
On this page, you can find a few of my commissioned art works.

I always discuss ideas and expectations with the person placing the request. Together we look at readily available images for inspiration and, if needed, I perform a study on the composition before working on the eventual piece. Price and timing are always discussed beforehand to manage expectations on both sides. Please contact me to discuss options if you are interested in commissioning a painting.


Acrylic on linen, 100 x 100 cm, commissioned

Sometimes a painting you make almost completely matches the clients needs but would be more perfect in a different size, a different quality of canvas or containing an accent in a different color. Especially my bokeh-style paintings are easily adaptable to the better match the wishes of my commissioners. As was the case with the painting "Focus", which I recreated for J and E on linen with a few adjustments so that it now fits perfectly in their home!



"Confetti XL"

Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 100 cm, commissioned

"Your painting 'Confetti' really cheers me up, but it's a bit too small. Can you make something like that on a larger canvas?"

Of course!




Acrylic on canvas, 80 x 60 cm, commissioned

A new painting, for a new home, to always remember Rotterdam.


"Family unity"

Acrylic on canvas, 80 x 60 cm, commissioned

Friends asked me to paint a symbol of their family, including their beautiful daughters Sterre, Luna and the stillborn Sienna. This was the first image that came to mind...



Acrylic on canvas, 70 x 50 cm, commissioned

Together with 'Cyclists' (below), this painting was commissioned by two very active people. Can you guess what their hobbies are? This painting was created by combining a few pictures provided by the client. 



Acrylic on canvas, 70 x 50 cm, commissioned

Together with 'Korfball' (above), this painting was commissioned by two very active people. Can you guess what their hobbies are? This painting was based on a picture provided by the client. 


"Street lights"

Acrylic on canvas, 140 x 70 cm, commissioned

"Robyn, please make us a romantic painting for the bedroom"

Mission accomplished.



Acrylic on 3D canvas, 140 x 70 cm, commissioned

"We would like an abstract representation of a sunset with lilac colours".


"Korfball players"

Acrylic on canvas, 70 x 50 cm, commissioned

How nice when someone reaches out via your website with a request for a similar korfball painting like I made earlier, but specifically for her son.


Other categories

For sale

Bokeh art

'Itys collection

Mixed media collection

Lifelines collection